
A fun pub crawl drinking game inspired by classic, fantasy roleplaying games.

Exploring the Dungeon

In PubQuest, bars and pubs are dungeons. Exploring them is the heart and soul of the game. There are only a handful of rules one needs to know.

  • To enter a new dungeon, take 1 drink of water.
  • In a new dungeon, each character must roll the die.
    • If the result is 1, the dungeon is trapped. Any character that wanders off to the restrooms for any reason loses 1 level.
    • If the result is a 19 or 20, you have encountered a dragon! All characters must take 1 drink to gain 2 levels, otherwise all characters lose 2 levels.
    • If the result is greater than your current level, you've encountered a wandering monster! Take 1 drink to gain 1 level, otherwise lose 1 level.
  • Optionally, any character may choose to Loot the Dungeon. Ask the bartender for the recommended house specialty drink, and drink it to gain 1 level.

Rules of the Realm

No matter where your adventure takes you, heroes must always abide by the Rules of the Realm. These rules apply whether or not you are in a dungeon.

  • All characters start at level 1, and that is the lowest level any character can be.
  • Fumbling -- any character that spills, stumbles, loses something, or bumps into stuff must lose 1 level.
  • Winning initiative -- whichever character is served (anythin) first in a new dungeon wins initiative, and gains 1 level.

Choose your character

Each kind of character has a unique special ability to aid in your quest. Each character sheet clearly lists out everything you need to know in order to play. Choose the character type that fits your playstyle, and print off the sheet!

Mighty and courageous, no adventuring party is complete without a Warrior or two. Warriors use the Power Attack special ability, which allows them to gain levels rapidly.

Get the Warrior character sheet

Swift, sneaky, and dextrous, the Thief is a vital but dangerous companion. Thieves use the Backstab special ability, allowing them to steal levels from other characters for themselves.

Get the Thief character sheet

Mysterious and magical, Mages have long been staples of high fantasy. Mages use the Fireball special ability, causing mass destruction by forcing other characters to drink more.

Get the Mage character sheet

Talented, charismastic, and full of stories, Bards are always the life of the party. Bards use the Bard's Song special ability, in which their magical singing is rewarded with extra levels.

Get the Bard character sheet

Chivalrous defenders of all that is good and just in the world, Paladins are shining, holy crusaders. Paladins use the Hand of Justice special abilitiy to enforce their Code of Honor and punish evil with a vengeance.

Get the Paladin character sheet

Wielders of eldritch power, Warlocks draw their magic from an otherwordly source. Warlocks use the Fiendish Summoning special ability, in which they summon an Outsider to sow chaos.

Get the Warlock character sheet